Shweta Thapa

Founder & CEO

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Contact Info:

+96 667 5888



About Me:

Education & Training

Shweta is a serial Entrepreneur, Engineer & Innovator in the field of Additive Manufacturing,
connecting 3D printing to the multitude of application segments. She has an M.S. in Mechanical &
Aerospace Engineering from Rutgers University, NJ, USA. Not only has she been in the field of
Innovation & Design Thinking, for the last 10 years, but has also helped build Digital Fabrication &
DIY labs for schools & maker-spaces, all over the world. An advocate for women empowerment, NJ
Ambassador for Women in 3D Printing, Founder of an educational 3D printing startup (3Ducators) in
NJ, USA. Shweta has been helping small businesses grow by utilizing sustainable solutions by
harnessing the power of Design & Additive Manufacturing.